The Australian Floral Art Association Inc. is a constituted not-for-profit organisation that serves as the parent body for floral art in Australia.
Our Aims:
- To promote interest in Floral Art including its educational, competitive, social and cultural aspects within Australia;
- To promote the exchange of information between members within Australia and similar organisations internationally;
- To encourage the achievement of the highest standards of floral art;
- To reinforce bonds between members and to forge bonds with similar organisations and floral artists internationally;
- To promote the training of Floral Art Judges and the improvement and uniformity of judging standards within Australia to world-best standard;
- To promote the training of floral art demonstrators within Australia to world’s best standard;
- To place Australian Floral Art on an equal footing with similar organisations internationally and gain recognition for Australian floral artists;
- To issue a magazine on a regular basis, as agreed by the members, for the promotion of the Objects and Purposes of the Association;
- To organise a National flower show as and when agreed by the members;
- To do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Objects of the Association;
- The property and income of the Association shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the Objects or purposes of the Association and no part of that property or income may be paid or otherwise distributed, directly or indirectly, to members of the Association, except in good faith in the promotion of these Objects or purposes.
One properly constituted representative body from each state and the Territories of Australia is eligible for membership, provided they agree to abide by the Australian Association constitution and objectives. The following organisations represent their State or Territory:
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) – The Floral Art Guild of the A.C.T. Inc
New South Wales (NSW) – New South Wales Floral Art Association Inc
Queensland (Qld) – The Floral Art Society of Queensland Inc.
South Australia (SA) – Floral Design Council of South Australia Inc
Victoria (Vic) – Victorian Floral Art Association Inc
Western Australia (WA) – West Australian Floral Art Society Inc.
The Northern Territory (NT) and Tasmania (Tas) do not have representation at present.
Until September 2012 a Management Committee was provided in rotation by member States and Territory organisations. Now the National Management Committee (NMC) consists of representatives from the State and Territory organisations. This committee deals with the running of the Association in accordance with the Constitution and resolutions approved by the member organisations. The term of office is approximately three years.
The Association meets each year. These meetings are hosted by the listed State and Territory organisations. Many decisions affecting the Australian Association are dealt with at these meetings, others by correspondence or electronically.
Each State and Territory is entitled to two delegates and one observer at all official meetings of the Association. While individuals and affiliated club members do not have direct voting rights at AFAA meetings, these may be exercised at “grass roots” level, at member organisation State meetings, when business relating to the AFAA is being developed and determined.
The funds of the Association are used for the promotion of floral art and judging within Australia, and for any international events approved by the Association.
Revenue is derived from affiliation fees from the State and Territory members. Donations from these members, their affiliated clubs, and other persons are the major income sources. Sale of Australian Association badges, souvenirs and other items provide some revenue, while sponsorship is also sought for major events.
The Association’s official newsletter bears the Australian Floral Emblem, Acacia pycnantha. The AFAA emblem was originally designed by the late Mrs. Elsie Holden, Qld, second chairman. In 1995 an Association badge was struck carrying the AFAA emblem.
The Australian Association was an inaugural member of the World Association of Floral Artists (WAFA). Thirty one countries are now members of WAFA. Australia has been represented in various ways at each WAFA show and seminar held to date.