Report by Jean Shine
It was truly an honor to design the 10th World Flower Shows’ “Australian Exhibit”, with support from Penelope Brunning. The design was of a European Influence. We used an aluminium frame which we took from home; a plastic dish made from black plastic was used to hold wet oais for the base.
We took Eucalyptus Cassia (Silver Princess) stems with some leaves & fruit attached. Also 100 nuts threaded, some hanging from the underneath of the top design placement, with others on rod stacked up from the lower design area. Also from home we took bark, Banksia Grandis sliced pieces, Xanthorrhoea dried sticks, hardienbergia comptoniana vine which gave lovely space within the design.
We purchased some dried Banksia Hookeriana candles, Basksia Menziesii & Banksia Coccinea from Wafex in Perth. Armed with lots of good advice and the appropriate Aquis Export permits we passed through the Los Angeles quarantine and Customs without losing any of our plant material. The exotic flowers were purchased in Boston.
The completed design stood 280 cm high on a grey base and backboard with AUSTRALIA printed across the top.